



I am shocked to hear this. Because the shipment has been sent to you more than 6 months ago.
And all the products shipped we have tested and confirmed to be of the same quality as the samples before production.
Please provide detailed video and pictures so that we can investigate accordingly.
过了几天,客户发来了图片和视频。因为我无法看出问题原因,只能把视频和图片发工厂,让工厂找找原因。因此我是这样回复客户的: Let me check with our facotry to see what happened so we can fix this. We will get back to you soon.

Please accept our apologies. It looks like we might have made a mistake.(先向客户表达歉意)
The reason for the appearance is due to...... ,Would you like a replacement or (说明产生的原因,给出解决方案)
we will try our best to avoid such quality problems in the future. Apology for causing you so much inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. (表明解决问题的决心)

Dear XXX
Glad to hear that everything is fine for your customers.
We hope it will not let this unhappiness to lose the confidence for our business.
And in order to avoid the similar problem again,we have a process step changed for the warehouse packing.Pls check it as follows:
If you have any other good suggestions about the improvement,we highly appreciated it.
首先,我们要学会倾听,并感同身受的去和客户客户沟通。在谈话中可以多用“I totally understand. / I understand. / I see your point.”这样的语言,表达对客户的理解。这样做的好处是让他们感觉你是站在他们的角度去倾听他们的埋怨。
其次,表明解决问题的态度。在接收到客户投诉后,我们要做的是尽快调查,并要向客户表示你们已经受理它的投诉。在回复时可以用“Let us review this situation and identify the best solution. 、I will discuss with my team and update you the solution as soon as possible.”
然后,要学会勇于承担责任。调查结果如果是我方的责任要及时道歉,并给出相应的补偿方案。在沟通时可以采用“ I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cuased.、I'm/ We're terribly sorry about that.、Sorry. I am afraid there's been an oversight on our part.”。如果不是我方责任也要委婉指出,切勿随便揽责。

咨询热线:021-64033826(周一至周五 9:15-18:00)

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