



- 价格:现有供应商价格过高或成本效益低下。  
- 质量:产品质量无法持续稳定地满足要求。  
- 售后服务:无法及时响应客户问题。  
- 业务支持:缺乏灵活性或有效的配合。  
- 人员问题:沟通不畅或信任缺失。  
- 询问话术: “Could you please provide more details regarding the quality issues? Once I have the specifics, I’ll be able to identify the cause, and we can take steps to prevent these issues during our collaboration.”
- 客户的回复:“The contact points with the main unit show significant wear, to the point of deformation. There are frequent data transmission errors, and the connection points between the plastic and the main body often break. Additionally, the joints are very rough in texture.”
- 求证话术:“The severe wear and tear is likely related to the material quality, don't you think? The data transmission errors may be due to issues with the processing, leading to poor contact. The roughness and lack of precision in the joints seem to stem from insufficient attention to process details. You’ve likely already analyzed these issues, and it’s important that they continue to improve in these areas.”
- 我们的原料采用严格的行业标准,每批次原料都经过严格检测,并附有详细检验报告。  
- 我们的产品在出厂前会进行多项实验,确保性能符合客户预期。  
- 因为我们的质量要求较高,不追求生产过低成本的产品。以往低价产品常伴随较高的售后成本,不仅影响客户品牌,还增加了市场维护难度。这种影响并不是便宜几毛钱可以弥补的。
这样一整套的铺垫下来,后期再谈价格时会好很多。如果后期谈了几轮后,客户还是一直在纠结价格方面,我们可以这样说 “Based on your reasons for switching suppliers, it seems that both you and your clients prioritize quality. If we can avoid the significant issues faced with your previous supplier, which would save you additional costs, do you still find our pricing high?  
You've tested the samples, and the results were excellent, so I trust you have confidence in our products. Here's what I propose: I’ll request a discount for this batch, but future orders will be at the original price. Once you’ve used our products, you’ll see the value firsthand.”
- Q: Can you make this product?  
 A: Yes, we can. Let me show you some similar products we’ve made in the past. Have you been sourcing this product consistently, or is it a new development?  
- A: We’ve been sourcing it consistently, with an annual volume of .
 Q: So, didn’t you used to source this product from China?  
- A: Yes, that’s correct.  
 Q: This product requires tooling and R&D, and since the standards have changed a bit, the cost is higher. The fact that you’re now looking for a new supplier—was it due to issues with the old supplier?  
- A: Yes, that’s right.  
 Q: Could you share the specific issues you encountered?  

咨询热线:021-64033826(周一至周五 9:15-18:00)

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