


同时对于货物延期的情况要在邮件中说明,并给出新的交付时间。这样才可以让客户更安心。 在写邮件时应该尽量少的写国家层面的东西,避免不必要的误会。
Dear xxxx.
Due to the recent "double control of energy consumption", the operation cycle of our production line is adjusted to "open x and stop x", and the capacity is xx of the normal situation. The latest delivery date will be xx.
You have always been our most important customer, so under the current tight production capacity, your order is at the top of our production line. Please rest assured that we will complete the production in quality and quantity to minimize the impact of this capacity constraint to you. Our capacity will be restored as soon as the local power supply constraint eases.
We will keep you informed of the progress of your order. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding!
Dear xxxx.
Perhaps you have noticed that the recent "double control of energy consumption" has affected the production capacity of some manufacturing enterprises. However, please rest assured that our company is not experiencing any capacity constraint, our production lines are running normally and your orders will be delivered on schedule.
We will keep in touch with you and update the production progress.
Dear xxxx.
Perhaps you have noticed that the recent "double control of energy consumption" has had an impact on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies, and the delivery of orders in some industries has had to be delayed. In September, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China released the "Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Air Pollution in Key Regions in Autumn and Winter of 2021-2022 (Draft for Comments)", which will focus on some industries during this year's autumn and winter seasons (October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), and capacity may be further restricted.
We recommend that you place your order as early as possible so that we can schedule production lines in advance, thus ensuring that your order can be delivered as scheduled.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

咨询热线:021-64033826(周一至周五 9:15-18:00)

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